What is Wellness?
Wellness is much more than simple an absence of illness and/or disease. Wellness is a proactive and preventative approach that’s designed to provide optimum levels of health, emotional and social functioning.
Wellness emphasizes the whole individual. It’s the integration of the spirit, body and the mind; and the understanding that everything we do, feel, think and believe has a direct impact on your state of health.
Research studies related to wellness indicate that individuals who take good care of themselves and make healthy lifestyle choices are healthier, happier, more productive, miss work less, and have lower healthcare costs. An article from the Journal of the American Medical Association (AMA) noted that, in one research study, the “wellness” approach produced a 17% decline in total medical / doctor visits and a 35% reduction in medical / doctor visits for minor illness. The participants in this study took part in a year-long self-care education program. Sources from the internet
Why Choose Wellness Club?
Wellness Club Ltd is an advocate of Wellness and Sustainability promoting corporate wellness, corporate social responsibility, ethical sourcing and procurement to business community. We offer signatory corporate wellness program which incorporates concepts of fair trade, organic farming and sustainability to provide a holistic approach to corporate social responsibilities to clients and stakeholders. With a dedicated team of practitioners and professional trainers, we tailor-make wellness talks, workshops and programs intended to improve the health and wellbeing of employees – thereby improving productivity, lowering health care costs, enhancing corporate image and retaining talents.
By choosing products or services provided by Wellness Club Ltd, you are fulfilling requirements of CSR or ESG reporting requirements including:
Caring Company Scheme (by Hong Kong Council of Social Services)
ESG Reporting (by Hong Kong Stock Exchange)
With a dedicated team of practitioners and professional trainers, we tailor-make wellness talks, workshops and programs intended to improve the health and wellbeing of employees – thereby improving productivity, lowering health care costs, enhancing corporate image and retaining talents.
Green Life
Herb Planting
Our Wellness Programs

Green Parenting

Healthy Living
Look and Feel Young Naturally
Food Allergy ABC
Toxic Metal in Our Foods, How to Avoid
Sensible Eating, Optimal Body – for life!
「瘦身-由吃的開始」講座 Weight Loss / Weight Management in the Office
「重拾青春的奧秘」講座 Anti-aging Diet
Snack Smart, Move More
Smart Snacking
Healthy Cooking – Healthy Living
Raw Food for Fun Workshop
Stress Management Relaxation Exercises
How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep 靜心安眠
Quick and Easy Ways to Beat Fatique

Financial Fitness

All the courses are suitable for:
corporate in-house training or work-life-balance initiative
supporting theme-related product marketing, events or exhibitions
joint program with educational institutions
For enquiries on enrolment or collaboration opportunities, send us an email to info@wellnessclubhk.com