WELLNESS CLUB LTD 悠學坊 is international trade consultant providing seamless export solution to FMCG exporters entering HK, China, Asia.
We offer product labeling & registration, trademark registration, product distribution (retail channels, ecommerce), brand marketing (social media, marketplace events, exhibition services).
We also provide start-up consultation & training, and corporate wellness programs to CSR-aware corporations.
Food and supplement registration service (Hong Kong and China) 有機產品/營養補充品標籤註冊
Registration service for foods, dietary supplements and pharmaceutical products to enable seamless market entry to Hong Kong and mainland China.
Recruitment of local distributors (Hong Kong and China), and Cross Border e-Commerce (China)
Product training (in local language, virtual and face-to-face)
Brand marketing support service (in local language, online, social media and offline)
Trade marketing and business matching service (Hong Kong)
Business consultation on company set-up and taxation
Acting as client’s representative office in Asia to oversee business development in the region
Start-up training and coaching, product training to local traders.
Our signatory corporate wellness program incorporates the concepts of fair trade, organic farming and sustainability in order to provide a holistic approach to corporate social responsibilities to clients and stakeholders.
Improving the health and wellbeing of employees – thereby improving productivity, lowering health care costs, enhancing corporate image and retaining talents. Additionally, to fulfill employee wellbeing requirement in the corporate CSR reporting.
Local: We volunteer for and donate to Produce Green Foundation in supporting their organic farming and education programs in Hong Kong.
China: We promote Hong Kong brand “Touch Organic” fair trade organic teas in supporting tea farmers in Shangyu, China in raising their income, and ultimately improving their living standards by eliminating use of low cost coal for boiling water and cooking.
Asia/Middle East/South America: We promote America’s No.1 fair trade organic soap “Dr. Bronner’s” to help improve living conditions of the farmers in developing countries through ethical ingredient sourcing and fair trade projects around the regions.
“In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations” – From the Great Laws of the Iroquois Nation
We support organic farming and lifestyle
We support fair trade
We support low carbon and green lifestyle
We are part of Mother Nature and are the solution to climate change challenge
As carbon management and green business consultancy, Wellness Club Ltd. has integrated green management into business principles: to lead responsibly, to leverage “green” business opportunities, and to reduce operational footprint.
Business Operations Going Green
A. Green Procurement
Purchase products with ENERGY LABEL. Choose to use ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY CLEANING supplies and products. Purchase ORGANIC, FAIR TRADE, HEALTHY and ECO-FRIENDLY products for corporate gift giving.
B. Green Office Management
1. Waste management
Implement 3R policies for REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE office paper and plastics bags. Avoid using one-off disposables. Reuse paper or magazines as gift-wrapping materials.
2. Energy conservation
Deploy PASSIVE SOLAR LIGHTING features e.g. fans and wide-opened windows, with full spectrum COMPACT FLUORESCENT LIGHTING system in the office to help SAVE ENERGY. Install UV FILTER FILMS onto windows to minimize heat from sunlight. Choose products with ENERGY LABEL. Remind staff to switch off all electronic equipment, computers and lighting when not in use.
3. Air quality management
Adopt NATURAL VENTILATION system to IMPROVE AIR QUALITY throughout the office. Do not install ozone-depleting substances.
4. Carbon reduction
Use low-carbon LIGHTING system in the office and avoid business travel to CUT CARBON EMISSION. Encourage our clients and consumers to eat “MORE VEGGIES, LESS MEAT” to help reduce yearly emission of carbon dioxide on diet*. Signed the “Carbon Reduction Charter” drafted by the Environmental Protection Department and became a “Carbon Audit • Green Partner” to support the reduction of greenhouse-gas emissions.
5. Environmental management
Monitor environmental performance (e.g. electricity and water usage, and material purchase records) regularly. Regularly update management and staff on environmental news, policies and regulations that are related to the business.
C. Green Marketing and Communication Practice
1. Printing
Marketing collaterals and name cards are printed with RECYCLED PAPER and SOY INK. Adopt electronic means of communication with supply chain to SAVE PAPER. Support cause related GREEN EVENTS and FUNDRAISING.
2. Event management
Wellness Club Ltd organizes marketing events for clients with sustainable event guideline in place. Use the 3Rs – reduce, reuse, recycle. Communicate electronically rather than by paper. Be energy and water efficient. Minimize the impacts of travel. Consider the wellbeing of delegates, the local community, suppliers and stakeholders. Raise awareness of the efforts and share best practice.
Business Model Going Green
The low carbon concept generates huge business opportunities around the globe, from renewable energy projects, green fund trading to carbon management solutions. Wellness Club Ltd. capitalizes on the market potential to Low-carbon Eco-estate Planning in Greater China Region.
*Organic vegetarians and vegans produce 142kg and 190kg of carbon dioxide respectively on diet, whereas meat eaters produce 6,700kg of carbon dioxide on diet every year. Source: Hong Kong Organic Resource Center.
2024 May
Wellness Club Ltd is awarded “15 Years Plus Caring Company Logo” in recognition of the contribution in 3 areas: Caring for the Community, Caring for the Employees, Caring for the Environment.
This 16th consecutive year of recognition demonstrates our commitment of community involvement and commitment of being a good corporate citizen in our operation. This is an encouraging start of the year for our new service launch: ESG/CSR Compliance and Solutions” to assist public listed companies in HK to comply with mandatory ESG Reporting requirement.
Yolanda Che is awarded Caring Ambassador Certificate at the same time, Congratulations!
悠學坊透過綠田園基金推薦取得 15 年Plus「商界展關懷」標誌, 證明我們過去連續 16 年於「關懷社區」、「關懷員工」及「關懷環境」等三方面工作獲得了肯定,我們深感榮幸。同時鼓勵著我們即將推出全新項目:「企業《環境、社會及管治》策劃服務」,協助本港上市公司配合法例要求。
2016 September
Yolanda Che received a Certificate of Appreciation from Ms Alexis Taylor, Deputy Under Secretary, U.S. Department of Agriculture at the presence of the U.S. Consul General Mr Kurt Tong. It is certainly an honor and recognition of Yolanda’s dedicated, sustained and effective support of trade in U.S. organic and health foods to Hong Kong for the past 2 decades.
2015.12.21 – 網台《守護者》節目訪問 Yolanda Che
Part 1 (上集) 悠學坊創辦人暨環保生活專家Yolanda Che同大家分享護理品和化妝品嘅真相。
Part 2 (下集) 守護者再請嚟悠學坊創辦人暨環保生活專家Yolanda Che同大家分享咩叫真正嘅良心作業,一個絕對令你感動嘅故事!故事由一個150年前嘅德國肥皂師講起,佢點確保家族3代至今對社會運動嘅熱誠,家庭同員工嘅團結?呢間公司點解一直唔肯比財團入主?佢嘅肥皂點樣拯救一個女人嘅生命?一個用生命影響生命,守護社會價值觀嘅經歷,今時今日嘅香港人真係要學吓啦!
2015.11.11 – 東方日報訪問 Yolanda Che 車慧蘭:有機生活 商機無限
有機生活 商機無限
2015.9 – 信報財經月刋 (462期) 訪問 Yolanda Che 車慧蘭:文明病難醫 抗敏產品商機大
2015.7.4 – DBC數碼校園台《綠色大發現》節目訪問車慧蘭 Yolanda,一齊講飲講食,暢談綠色飲食之道。
2015.6.1 – Yolanda Che 接受 DBC 數碼校園台《1+寶貝》訪問
2015.2.27 – Yolanda Che 撰寫 招職雜誌《健康生活》食物過敏亦可食得好
2014.11.21 – Yolanda Che 撰寫 招職雜誌《健康生活》身體不適可能因食物過敏?
2014.10.26 – 新城數碼財經台《快樂毅行者》節目訪問 Yolanda Che:有機達人
2011.9.20 – 香港文匯報訪問 Yolanda Che: 從有機到公平貿易 保障自己惠及他人
2011.1 – 優質生活台《日日好生活Joyful Day》節目訪問 Yolanda Che:
低碳生活 (fashion & beauty, diet & nutrition)
低碳生活 (green transport, eco-travel, green home)
2010.12.31 – 經濟日報訪問 Yolanda Che: 新年開派對多菜少肉
2010.8.6 – 香港寬頻 HKBroadband 訪問 Yolanda Che: 潮流興環保,見到加入環保原素的產品,又會否吸引到你去買呢?有
2010.5.5 – 商業電台訪問 Yolanda Che: impact of NL to SEs and SMEs.
2009.12.14 – 東方日報訪問 Yolanda Che: impact of NL regulations on SMEs.
2009.5.14 – 壹週刊訪問 Yolanda Che: 環保以前係怪,而家係潮
2009.3.16 - TVB周刋訪問 Yolanda Che: 戀上有機,廿年有機路
2009.3.1 – Yolanda Che was interviewed by The List (issue 89) on “Think Global, Act Local”.
2009.2.6 – 飲食男女 (issue 706) 訪問 Yolanda Che: 「有衣食」,要從小學起。
2009.1.12 – 明報訪問 Yolanda Che: 髹出環保理想家
2008.11.4 – 經濟日報訪問 Yolanda Che: 教孩子健康飲食
2008.10.8 – 新報訪問 Yolanda Che: 錫自己、食得叻-識睇標籤、百毒不侵
2008.7.12 – Wellness Club co-organized air pollution talk
2008.6.25-27 – Wellness Club exhibited at Natural Products Expo Asia @ HKCEC and hosted Healthy Kitchen program for NPE
2008.4.22 – 經濟日報訪問 Yolanda Che: 環保之家滲入綠色使命
2008.3.30 – Yolanda Che shared her “green parenting” tips with celebrity Chan Man Yee at “3.30 Organic Day”. 於全城有機日活動中,車慧蘭與名人陳敏兒分享「綠色親子」貼士
2008.2.5 – Yolanda Che was interviewed by “iChild” program, iTV Channel on “Green Chinese New Year Celebration
and Green Money Matters for Kids”.
2008.1.3 – Yolanda Che was interviewed by “iChild” program, iTV Channel on “Green Parenting and Green Finance for
2007.12.27 – Yolanda Che was interviewed by “iChild” program, iTV Channel on “Green Parenting”.
2007.11.28 – Yolanda Che was interviewed by “iHealthCare” program, iTV Channel on “Food Allergy”.
2007.10.20 – 明報周刋訪問 Yolanda Che: 敏感煮婦美味心經
2007.6.13 – Yolanda Che was interviewed by CMM.HK Podcast Network on green investment and green life issues.
2007.1.9 – Yolanda Che on TV interview for Money Magazine on TVB Pearl about organic foods
2006.10.13 – Yolanda Che on interview for Amy Magazine (issue 162)
2004.11.4 – 經濟日報訪問 Yolanda Che: 拓運動文化、推健康生活-商場綠戰隊
2002.12.21 – 經濟日報訪問 Yolanda Che: 這個聖誕怎麼過?
2002.4 – 親子雜誌 (issue 107) 訪問 Yolanda Che: 要孩子食得健康,最重要是身教
1998.11.21 – 經濟日報訪問 Yolanda Che: 個人、工作、家庭三合一: 綠化生命協奏曲